Orchid A Cultural History (2016)-Jim Endersby
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Záruka (měsíce): 24
Dostupnost: Do 1 měsíce
Introduction: Imagining Orchids
1 Censored Origins
The Lesbian Boy
The Uses of Orchids
2 Red Book, Black Flower
Utopian Botany
The Signature of All Things
3 The Name of the Orchid
Making a Family
A Second Adam
Artificial to Natural
Myths of Orchids
4 Orchidmania
The Blooming Aristocracy
5 Orchis Bank
Every Trifling Detail
Beautiful Contrivances
6 The Scramble for Orchids
Lost Orchids
Cannibal Tales
7 Savage Orchids
Long Purples and a Forked Radish
Queer Flowers
Creation and Consolation
8 Sexy Orchids
Boy’s Own Orchids
9 Manly Orchids
Frail Orchids
10 Deceptive Orchids
Orchids in Orbit
11 Endangered Orchids
Fragile Specialists
The Spider Orchids of Sussex
Conclusion: An Orchid’s-Eye View?